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Deep Understanding Of Home Security Can Be Yours With This Article

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Posted on: 07/18/22

Home security should be a concern for anyone, particularly those with children or those in a high crime area. Even if you are on a budget, there are steps you can take to feel safer. Read the tips in this article to learn more about improving your homes security and safety.

Make sure all exterior wiring is well protected or covered. Copper wiring is a favorite object for theft as it is often accessible from outside the home and can be sold for a great deal of money. Air conditioners are a prime target for copper thieves. Also make sure exterior power and phone lines are protected and not easily cut.

A home security system works by alerting the local police when the alarm goes off. The police immediately place a telephone call to your home. If you do not answer your phone and provide a security code, an officer will be sent to your home with possible backup available should it be needed.

Never leave a spare key outside your home. Many crooks know of the locations where people leave keys. A great place to put your spare key is on your dogs collar. There are not many people who will come up to your dog to investigate if it has a key on its collar.

Dogs are helpful in keeping your home safe. Burglars do not want extra attention drawn to them and even a small, noisy dog can deter someone who wants to break into your home. A trained guard dog may not make the best pet, and you dont have to have an attack dog to keep burglars away.

Keep your windows locked. It seems like an obvious step to take, however many people simply forget to check the locks on their windows. Thieves are always looking for the easiest way into a home, and doors and windows are among the first entrance points they check. This includes screened windows too, as screens can pop off quite easily.

You should change the locks to your new home as soon as you buy it. Even if the owner tells you that you have all of the keys, there may be a chance this is not true. You dont want to take the chance that some unknown person will have access to your home.

It can be especially helpful if you are an elderly person who remains living in your home to have a home security system installed. This will not only alert the authorities to any fires and intruders, but it gives you a direct link to help if needed, allowing you to keep your independence.

Ask a neighbor to watch your home and get your mail if you are going on a trip for a week or more. Burglars sometimes will check to see that the mail or newspapers are piling up on a driveway. If your neighbor gets these in advance, it looks as if you are home.

The wiring outside of your home can be valuable. Many people never realize this value until wires are stolen right out of their home. Copper, found in many wires, can be removed in little time, and is worth quite a bit of money. Be sure that you keep all your wiring hidden and make it hard to access.

As said in the beginning of the article, there are several reasons why someone may become concerned about the safety of their home. Instead of hoping fate is on your side, take cautionary steps to increase safety. Remember the tips in this article if you want to make yourself feel safer at home.

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