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Stop Letting Sleep Apnea Disturb Your Slumber! Help Is Here

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Posted on: 09/01/22

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you know that it is a robber of rest and a destroyer of health. Getting enough rest is very important if you are going to live healthier. Sleep apnea is treatable and you can find ways to ensure that you get the sleep that you need. Read the following tips to help you treat you sleep apnea.

Strengthen your throat and jaw with some basic exercises. Developing these muscles should reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. You can exercise your throat and jaw by simply pulling your tongue or practicing some very simple breathing exercises. The goal is to train you to breathe differently and hopefully make your sleep apnea disappear.

Drink less alcohol and smoke less if you suffer from sleep apnea. Alcoholic beverages cause the upper airway to become overly relaxed, and smoking causes swelling in your airway. So, cutting back or completely giving up both can improve your symptoms or even cure your sleep apnea problem completely.

Try your best to maintain a regular sleeping schedule. When your body gets into a customary sleeping cycle, you will find yourself getting a better nights sleep, and you will also be more relaxed. Several studies have shown that apnea episodes decrease when a person is not sleep deprived or stressed out.

Children can have sleep apnea. When you notice that your child wakes up tired each day, is hard to wake up in the morning, is angry or rude or their grades are suffering at school, poor sleep due to sleep apnea could be the culprit. The symptoms can be confused with those of ADHD, so it is important to speak with your doctor to see if sleep apnea is a possibility.

People who use alcohol, sedatives, and sleeping pills are far more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. This is because these drugs will relax the throat and cause their breathing to be impaired. Using these drugs before bedtime is more likely to cause sleep apnea than using these drugs during the day.

You need only one regular pillow to sleep with at night. If you use very thick pillows or many pillows, you may end up sleeping at an odd angle that hurts the free flow of air through your airways. These mean you sleep in positions where it is hard to breathe. With this in mind, use only a single pillow to minimize sleep apnea symptoms.


Learn how to play a wind instrument. Studies have found that playing a wind instrument like the flute or the didgeridoo can help with sleep apnea. Wind instruments exercise your breathing and help your body get accustomed to taking in sufficient amounts of air. Your throat will be able to better control airway dilation.

Extra weight is a primary cause of sleep apnea. If someone with sleep apnea is overweight, they would benefit from losing it. They should follow a sensible weight loss plan, usually involving a restricted calorie diet combined with exercise. Restricting carbohydrates has shown to be a big help in losing weight.

Exercise your throat. Make faces. Stick out your tongue. Rotate your jaw. It might feel a bit silly, but it can actually help people who suffer from sleep apnea. Doing these things exercises the muscles your body needs to moderate its breathing. Studies have shown that doing these exercises a few times a day can make a huge difference.

As you have learned, there are many effective options for treating sleep apnea. Use everything you got from these article to reduce sleep apnea symptoms. When you are able to get the sleep that your body needs, you will notice a difference in how you feel during the day.

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